Carrel & Partner
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Leadership Coaching
Crisis Management Training
Teaching and Research


Basic Information:

Fact Sheet Leadership & Life Coaching, PDF

Coaching Locations:

Coaching in Biel PDF

Coaching in Bern PDF

Coaching in Sutz-Lattrigen PDF

& Telephone Coaching



Why does somebody faced with sizable challenges, a fundamental transition or reorientation need a coach?
- Because during challenging times, it is difficult to see the overall picture by one’s self, to rapidly find creative solutions or to make decisions which could have serious consequences.

Why does the successful champion also need a coach? - Because he cannot observe himself in action from the stands and because – like leaders – he can only stay on the top if he continuously works on himself to steadily improve; standstill equals regression.

Why does coaching boom globally like no other service?  - Because no patent remedy endures in the face of the growing complexity of issues, developments and crisis situations which are all linked with great uncertainties and because coaching – in contrast to consulting - helps to find the promising key to burning questions within yourself.


Meet first, without commitment and free of charge, an experienced and certified leadership coach and discover the benefits for yourself!

Every professional coaching partnership starts with an assessment of your individual needs, desires and specific goals. Then we reach a “win-win-agreement” in which we define what goals you want to reach. These particular goals are the driving force of the coaching support and are contingent upon your commitment to succeed. Coaching promotes your transformation process in order to achieve measurable results.


Clients may expect to strengthen their self-leadership considerably by developing their individual leadership qualities and by enhancing their social leadership competencies.

Thanks to coaching, your learning process will expand, your productivity will increase, and your life quality will augement.

Coaching will enable you to lead yourself and others in a more effective and efficient way.



Coaching in Nature in an exclusive location
In Sutz-Lattrigen we offer coaching in nature (April – October) in an exquisite setting, directly at the shore of the lake of Bienne. The location is directly adjacent to an archeological place of discovery of early settlements which have been declared a UNESCO world cultural heritage site. Be inspired by this vortex spot where, 6000 years ago, leaders dared to master their lives with determination and courage. According to your interests, we also offer coaching in nature in other vortex places, on walks or tours in the mountains. (See Coaching in Sutz)

Junior managers and high potential students

The encouragement and support of junior managers and high potential students has high priority for us. Our experience is based on the successful coaching of students to master their academic studies, prepare for their exams and to succeed in entering into the work force. As a university professor for over 25 years, I have learned to understand “where the shoe pinches” young high-potentials. In order to meet the challenges, I have coached them to enhance their personal power and social competences which are at the linchpin of success but hardly ever taught on the academic level. (See PDF picture)

Coaching and Energy Work

The coaching is combined with regenerative energy transfer, taught by Dr. Eric Pearl.

Coaching Workshops Metamorphosis-Leadership ®™
Workshops organized in groups for seniors in their golden age or for people reorienting themselves before and after retirement. The method Metamorphosis-Leadership®™ is a unique, trademarked coaching method developed by Laurent F. Carrel ; it is based on the awareness/findings and experience of how successful self-discovery and self-development can be learned and achieved, step by step. Through this method a life-changing process of self-leadership and self-empowerment is attained. Infinite power is hidden inside every individual, a truth the world’s wisdom traditions keep repeating, age after age, and that the newest findings of neuroscience now proves to be correct. (See our membership in the NeuroLeadership Institute).  

Registered in the Swiss Markenregister swissreg Nr. 606542

Prof. Dr. iur. Laurent F. Carrel, ICF Master Certified Coach/MCC™ by the International Coach Federation; European Mentoring & Coaching Council/EMCC; member of the Institute of Coaching and the NeuroLeadership Institute.

Leadership Coach since 1999 with over 3’600 hours of coaching experience.

He has a background as a long-standing, nationally and internationally recognized strategy and crisis expert, author, university professor and leadership trainer.

Thanks to the broad professional background and expert knowledge in different fields, a life-long learning philosophy and use of a multitude of up-to-date coaching instruments and scientific insights – in particular in the field of neuroscience, brain and consciousness research, epigenetic, quantum physics, metaphysics – he places individual problem-solving and solution-focused strategies in the center of the coaching experience.

See Leadership Coaching im Urteil der Klienten von L.F. Carrel, PDF

See Filmclips Leadership Coaching Link





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Carrel & Partner, Leadership Coaching - Crisis Management Training - Research
Biel, Burgunderweg 30, 2505 Biel, +41(0)32 322 30 32 - Bern +41(0)76 457 30 32
Sutz, Schlössliweg 12, 2572 Sutz, Switzerland -
Website by OMM & PowerMedia AG